生活空间 2


Danh Vo: Untitled



T 空间

T Space



154 × 106 cm


在《心能转境》的能量学测试中,郑国谷也注重尝试将绘画置于某种显示环境 中,或将绘画中的场景转化到现实情境中,将茶、溪流、柳树引入镜花园的空间, 水声和心声相互映照,相互调节,藉此探测心境和环境相互转化的可能。


Zheng Guogu
Visionary World of a Changing State of Mind (Founding Yuan Ling)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
154 × 106 cm


Alongside these explorations of energy, in Visionary World of a Changing State of Mind, Zheng Guogu is also concerned with placing paintings within types of everyday environments, as well as placing scenes depicted in paintings into real environment, such as tea, owing steams and bringing willow into the space of Mirrored Gardens. The sound of the water and the voice of the heart are placed in mutual reaction and harmony, through which the possibilities of mutual transformation between one’s mental state and the environment can be explored.


“一片茶里面有两万八千个茶芽,就等于浓缩了一个生态,或者浓缩了茶的一 个森林。通过时间,这个森林慢慢地越来越纯净,当它所有的杂质不断地被滤掉, 它就成为了一块能量,一旦它变成一个纯能量不就是一个单晶的世界么。我们的身体可能没有恢复能力,但喝茶会让我们返回到一种修复之中,茶是这 个过程当中的媒介。”
—— 郑国谷


 “ One tea leaf gives birth to twenty-eight thousand buds, thus forming a concentrated ecosystem, or rather a concentrated forest. Slowly the forest gets purified over time; once all the impurities are filtered out, it turns into a source of energy. Once established, the pure energy becomes a monocrystalline world.
Our body may not be able to recover by itself, but drinking tea enables us to return to a status of recovery, during the process of which tea serves as the medium. ”
―Zheng Guogu



Flowing steams

